Because of your loving support UPMI has provided every man in the Byrd Unit an
opportunity to study the transformative power of the Word of God!

Changing Lives Behind Bars
“May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be poured out upon you and His Spirit empower you. Our mission is to help change the prison culture through sharing the love of Jesus Christ. The men ministered to may currently be incarcerated, but many of them will be released and Lord willing be the men, leaders, fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons God has called them to be. Byrd Unit is a diagnostic facility, which houses about 250 people permanently and about 700 to 900 men temporarily. Many of these men are just entering the prison system (a very pivotal time in these men’s lives). The harvest is ripe and plentiful. Thank you for your time and Kingdom work!
It is because of the faithful and loving support of those who know the importance of the transformative power of God's Holy Word that UPMI has been able to minister to prisoners for over 42 years. Thank you!
Chaplain Billy Reese, Huntsville, Texas.