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Thanks for sending me the book, Desire of Ages


Updated: May 1, 2022

Hello My Christian Family,

"Before I start, I would like say thanks for sending me the book, Desire of Ages. I want to thank them for doing a remarkable job. By sending me spiritual material, I am able to keep my mind focused on God. While I am in here or out there, I am glad I have found God and you all to guide me in the right direction and make the right choices in life. I don’t want to come back to this place ever in my life. As long as I have the Lord Jesus, I know I won’t be back. You all have really shown me LOVE! Without me finding God and United Prison Ministries, I would be lost. Since being rescued by my spiritual family, my whole body feels different with God being first. It is sad to say this, but it took me coming to jail to find Jesus. I now know you can find God anywhere. I have learned you cannot run or hide from God. God can find you wherever you are, but you have to want Him. I ran and ran. I was scared, but when I started going to church, reading the Bible and talking with other spiritual people, I was able to let go and let God. Now look at me. My whole day is about JESUS. I now understand that without Him, we can’t make it. I don’t like using the word can’t, because I have learned you can do anything if you put your mind and soul in it and that is what I do. That is why I want to thank you brothers and sisters for accepting me

when I didn’t have anyone. I love you all and hope I hear from you soon.

Your Brother in Christ." Eddie, inmate in New York

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