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  • UPMI

Because of your prayers and support

Because of your prayers and support UPMI fulfills these requests daily. Praise the Lord!

"Hello, I was hoping I could get some Christian books that would help my walk with Christ. I want to thank you all for all that you are doing to help make the world brighter. May God bless you." Kenneth, inmate in South Carolina.

"I just want to say thank you for the book, "The Desire of Ages". I'm really thankful for what Jesus did for us to sacrifice so much for our sins. I was lost and blind until I found God." James, inmate in California.

"I am writing to ask if I may receive a Bible and Bible study. I am an indigent inmate. I have faith that I will get closer to God. Any reading material will be appreciated. Thank you and God bless." Zachery, inmate in Indiana.

"I am in jail. I have no family or way to obtain a Bible. Can you please send me a nice King James Version of the Holy Bible."

Tristan, inmate in Indiana.

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