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The Desire of Ages single copy

This book was written for you.

More than 100 years ago the author, E.G. White, studied her Bible so that she could share with you the most beautiful story ever told.  She wanted to introduce you to the loving, caring Saviour because you are special.  God created you.

Our Creator God, our heavenly Father, sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth to die on a cross for our sins.  Thousands will tell you they met that loving forgiver of sin through reading this book.  I have personally talked with some of these people in prisons through the United States and in other countries.

"You should know that there are thousands of people who want you to meet the Saviour that they have met.  They made this copy of The Desire of Ages available to you through generous gifts to United Prison Ministries International.  I also want you to meet my Saviour and spend the rest of your life getting to know His love.  He loves you and I do too!"
 ~Warden Shirlie Lobmiller (retired) - Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women

The importance of this book…

"This book is so important that United Prison Ministries International placed the book The Desire of Ages in the hands of every incarcerated person in the formerly Communist country of Romania."

 ~Richard A. Bland Found of United Prison Ministries International 

“In the past 20 years, with more than 15,000 inmates under my supervision, I’ve used The Desire of Ages, and everyone has enjoyed it.  Christians and non-Christians alike.”

~Warden Leonel Davis, Alabama Department of Corrections

“I have been blessed by this excellent historical and educational book The Desire of Ages.  There are more than 64,000 inmates in Florida who should have the privilege of reading this volume.”

~Tyrone A. Boyd, chaplaincy services administrator (chief chaplain), Florida Department of Corrections 

“I have spent 17 years in women’s and men’s prisons, and I have never known this book to create controversy with any secular group or conflict over doctrine from any denomination.”

~Warden Shirlie Lobmiller (retired). Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women

“Anyone who is in prison, or who has a friend or loved one in prison, should read this book.”

~Wintley Phipps, board of directors, Prison Fellowship

“The Desire of Ages has provided to be a source of inspiration to millions of readers from all over the world.  It brings hope, joy, and peace of mind.”

~Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, director of pediatric neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins Medical Center

“The Desire of Ages has helped me to assist hundreds of estranged fathers to take responsibility for their families.”

~Charles A. Ballard, founder and CEO, Institute for Responsible Fatherhood and Family Revitalization

The Desire Of Ages (single copy)

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    PO Box 8, Verbena, AL 36091 



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La UPMI ha distribuido millones de literatura que cambia vidas en todo el mundo durante más de cuarenta años, cumpliendo la misión de ayudar a los prisioneros a encontrar a Cristo.

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Sin fines de lucro : 501 (c) 3



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UPMI proporciona literatura y programas que cambian vidas para que los reclusos que regresan a la sociedad no sean condenados a regresar a una vida de delincuencia. 

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