UPMI has discovered that one of the greatest needs among prisoners and the general public is discipline. Discipline is what changes desire into destiny.

Inmates confirm the path to a discipline life is found in the Bible.
"He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is led astray." Proverbs 5:23 ESV.
Solomon circles the wagon around the word discipline because so much of life depends on it. Discipline, wisdom training designed to produce character, courage, and self-control, is the lifeblood of success. When discipline is circulated in the life, vigor of mind and body results. Discipline propels you to get up early every morning. Discipline pushes you to complete undesirable task. Discipline drives you to keep moving when you feel like quitting. Discipline is the mental fluid that moves a person to live life above feelings.
Successful people have discovered the link between life and discipline, "He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is led astray." Proverbs 5:23 ESV. Successful People know, from experience and observation, that without the restraint of discipline, life will be out of control and premature death predictable.
Do you want to live? Then choose a life of discipline. Make the commitment to willingly submit to the discipline of God's Word, the rigor of living on a schedule, budgeting your income, and controlling your appetite. Watch your life surge with energy and your productivity go-off the rector scale.